
What Students and Laboratory Staff Need to Know

Students and laboratory staff have a major role in creating and maintaining a safe laboratory environment at Illinois.

Your Responsibilities

Students and laboratory staff have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Be familiar with campus environmental health and safety policies, and campus programs to address potential hazards.
  • Report hazardous conditions to supervisors.
  • Actively follow all safety procedures.


The State of Illinois, University policy, or federal regulations dictate the following requirements for laboratory workers:

  1. If you conduct laboratory research, you must take the online Laboratory Safety training. Depending on your research activities, additional training may be required.
  2. If you work with biohazardous materials at Biosafety Level 2, you must first take the Understanding Biosafety training.
  3. If you work with human cell lines or other biological materials of human origin, you must take the Safe Handling of Human Materials/Cell Lines in a Research Laboratory. The initial course is taken in person, and requires annual refreshers which may be taken online.
  4. If you work with radioactive materials, you must take an initial online radiation safety course and an annual online refresher.
  5. If you use hazardous chemicals, you must have training on your laboratory’s Laboratory Safety Plan. Your Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring you have this training.
  6. If you receive or initiate shipping of hazardous materials, you must have Hazardous Materials Awareness training (DOT). Some shipments will require additional training.

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Last Update: 6/19/2018