What Students and Laboratory Staff Need to Know
Students and laboratory staff have a major role in creating and maintaining a safe laboratory environment at Illinois.
Your Responsibilities
Students and laboratory staff have the following roles and responsibilities:
- Be familiar with campus environmental health and safety policies, and campus programs to address potential hazards.
- Report hazardous conditions to supervisors.
- Actively follow all safety procedures.
The State of Illinois, University policy, or federal regulations dictate the following requirements for laboratory workers:
- If you conduct laboratory research, you must take the online Laboratory Safety training. Depending on your research activities, additional training may be required.
- If you work with biohazardous materials at Biosafety Level 2, you must first take the Understanding Biosafety training.
- If you work with human cell lines or other biological materials of human origin, you must take the Safe Handling of Human Materials/Cell Lines in a Research Laboratory. The initial course is taken in person, and requires annual refreshers which may be taken online.
- If you work with radioactive materials, you must take an initial online radiation safety course and an annual online refresher.
- If you use hazardous chemicals, you must have training on your laboratory’s Laboratory Safety Plan. Your Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring you have this training.
- If you receive or initiate shipping of hazardous materials, you must have Hazardous Materials Awareness training (DOT). Some shipments will require additional training.
DRS Services and Guidance
- What Training Do I Need?
- Request a regulated waste pickup
- Emergency Response Procedures
- Request consultative assistance from DRS
Other Services and Guidance
- Identifying and Evaluating Hazards in Research Laboratories. American Chemical Society (First item under News and Announcements)
- Claims Management Office
- UI Division of Public Safety
Last Update: 6/19/2018