What training do I need?
Principal Investigators are required to take all trainings their staff are responsible for regardless of whether or not they are actually working with hazardous material themselves.
To determine what safety training you need. Answer the following questions:
Do you work in a laboratory?
Support staff such as building service workers, plumbers, and electricians should answer "No".
Support staff such as building service workers, plumbers, and electricians should answer "No".
Yes No
Do you work with biological materials and organisms in the laboratory?
Yes No
Do you work with human-origin materials including human cell lines, human blood, or other potentially infectious materials in the laboratory?
Yes No
Do you work with hazardous or non-hazardous chemicals in the laboratory?
Yes No
Do you work with radioactive materials in the laboratory?
Yes No
Have you already completed basic radiation safety instruction but need an annual update?
Yes No
Do you work with analytical x-ray machines?
Yes No
Do you operate lasers or work around lasers when they are being operated with the laser beam exposed?
Yes No
Do you ship or receive biological materials, chemicals, or radioisotopes?
Yes No
Do you ship any biological materials that qualify as an Infectious Substance, Category B?
Yes No
Do you work in or need to enter an area where a radiation source is used, but do not work directly with the radiation source yourself?
Yes No
Do you work with hydrofluoric acid or hydrofluoric acid containing solutions?
Yes No
Will you be using recombinant materials or synthetic nucleic acids?
Yes No
Do you work with compressed gases and/or cryogens?
Yes No
Do you work with formaldehyde or animals or animals preserved with formalin?
Yes No
Do you perform non-research/laboratory tasks which may cause you to be exposed to human blood or other potentially infectious materials?
Yes No
Do you perform non-research/laboratory tasks which may cause you to be exposed to hazardous chemicals?
Yes No
Do you ship or receive biological, chemical, or radiological materials?
Yes No
Do you generate hazardous chemical waste?
Yes No
Do you ship any biological materials that qualify as an Infectious Substance, Category B?
Yes No
Do you work in or need to enter an area where a radiation source is used, but do not work directly with the radiation source yourself?
Yes No