Laboratory Safety Training

The Laboratory Safety Training should cover the following:

  1. Laboratory Safety Guide/Chemical Hygiene Plan
  2. Online DRS training modules
  3. Laboratory-Specific Training 

Training documentation should provide information on when and to whom the training was provided.

Laboratory Safety Training Requirements

The Laboratory Safety Plan must outline the training requirements for those working in the laboratory.

The following are the minimum training requirements for laboratory personnel:

1.  Read the Laboratory Safety Guide/Chemical Hygiene Plan

2.  Online DRS training modules

  • Take DRS online Laboratory Safety Training (Required for all laboratory personnel)
  • Based on the hazard profile for the laboratory certain trainings are automatically required (e.g., Understand Biosafety, Radioactive Materials Safety Training).
  • There are several online training modules available such as hydrofluoric acid, compressed gases, formaldehyde, etc. There are also guidance documents in the DRS Safety Library regarding common laboratory hazards and best practices.

      3. Laboratory-Specific Training

As part of the Laboratory Safety Plan, laboratory groups must:

To educate users on the safe handling and use for any additional hazardous materials, processes and equipment, SOPs must be created. Standard Operating Procedures are a requirement of the OSHA Laboratory Standard.

  • Review the location and use of safety equipment (fire extinguisher, safety shower, eye wash, spill kit(s), personal protective equipment).
  • Review the location (online, computer file, or paper copies) of hazard identification and safety references including Safety Data Sheets.
  • Participate in ongoing training (attend safety-related group meetings, one-on-one training, refresher training courses, reviewing SOPs, etc.)
  • Review Lab specific information and policies.

Information developed by the laboratory group, which outlines how campus-level safety guidance will be implemented within the laboratory group and associated facilities.

Examples of Lab Specific Policies


Prior approval policy

A list or description of what processes require PI/supervisor’s approval.

Working after hours

Expectations and precautions for working after hours.

Accident Reporting

The communication chain for reporting laboratory accidents.

Food and Drink policy

Locations outside the laboratory where food and drink can be stored or consumed.

Additional training expectations for specific hazard categories are detailed in the following links:

DRS provides a
checklist template pre-populated with a list of DRS training courses and information. There is also space for lab-specific training/policies to be listed. Using the template is not required. However, it is required that the Principal Investigator/laboratory supervisor have documentation that lists and describes required training, and documents when and to whom training was provided.

Last Update: 6/27/2023